Tech Journaling

2 minute read

Lately I’ve had an aha moment that this group has become my personal travel diary into the ins and outs of DevOps and Platform Engineering. I came to know that I learn a lot through the journeys of others and also from my own journey. A significant part of my time is devoted to exchanging opinions with people from the industry, colleagues and even with those who work at Red Hat but not in my organization. I highly recommend the practice. I hope that one day this group will serve not only me. There is something empowering about unpacking and receiving feedback.

Just FYI, I’m still on a quest to acquire kubernetes knowledge. The journey is going to be long and tiring. I realized that I have many holes in my education. Remember the problem I ran into in the previous chapter? (Do not answer, rhetorical question). I recalculated my route and realized that I was trying to mix a DEV environment with a PROD environment, so the problem is a problem. The runner that remains “registered” in the PROD environment pollutes my environment. The conclusion is that there is no way to mix the environments. I need a gitlab server in the DEV environment. One that is created when I deploy an environment and one that is torn down when I don’t need it. And therefore, I switched to a helm chart that knows how to deploy both the server and the runner in one operation. It turns out there is one. Maybe in the future I will split, but right now it seems like a more correct move.
This move also creates new challenges that I still can’t solve. It turns out that the domain parameter is a mandatory one. The domain is used to access the console or whatever you call it. Well… to the GitLab UI. But, I don’t have local dns when I deploy minikube inside devcontainer. And to complicate matters, browsing is done in a browser running on the host while the server runs in a container running on the host. The plot gets complicated. There is a situation where I put myself in hopeless challenges. Of course I did the obvious and addressed the general public for help. This time to the community of Gitlab users on Discord. Maybe salvation will come from there. Until then I populated the parameter with something completely random.

I have dug enough and therefore I will go to the stage of the identical questions:-
Did this post bring you new insights?
Did you learn something you didn’t know before?
Have you faced a similar challenge in a different way? in different tools?

P.S. Want to talk to me one on one. Click on link.

Original Facebook post in Hebrew here