Minimal Viable Product

1 minute read

Last week I shared that I started working on a slightly different project than usual. Managing the permissions scheme for the tree of Git projects managed in the namespaces tree in Gitlab.
As Evgeny pointed out in the comments, one of the tools that might be suitable is backstage. There are of course other tools in this domain. port is one of them.
Strategically, this is definitely the right direction to go with, but on a tactical level, when the chaos reigns and the engineering work is stuck due to imprecise permissions, it is important to provide a tactical response. I call it - MVP or alternatively quick and dirty solution.
For the benefit of my project, I chose terraform as a development tool to help me code the configuration. In addition, I decided (and not for the first time) to break the deployment into very small parts. And each time deploy a small change, stop, check the pulse and only after making sure that everything is good to move on to the next step.

I have dug enough and therefore I will go to the stage of the identical questions:-
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Original Facebook post in Hebrew here