Kubernetes - initial steps

1 minute read

I finally returned to Israel after a significant stay in Milan, Italy. Back to Israeli time.
Sunday at 10:00 a new post lands.
Last week I updated that I am entering the world of Kubernetes. Yes yes… the time
has come even though I have been in business for years, just not at the level
I would like to be at.
So, I made a move forward and also one backwords. I said to myself, how do one
starts with a new technology when the table is completely clean. For me the
answer is quite clear. First of all, clone the project, go through the
instructions and start a development environment.
Oh, here I failed. It turns out that the combination of macOS M1 and
Kubernetes still does not work smoothly. So, I took a step back and am trying
a new approach. I took out of the attic my old laptop. At the time it was a
bad beast. Macbook Pro based on Intel this time. I am trying. What will be
will be. What is important is to try, at most I will succeed.
In parallel, I’m also diving into kind. For those who don’t know, it’s an
abbreviation of Kubernetes in Docker. One of the lighter versions adapted to a
local development environment and CI. That’s what they say. I haven’t tried yet.

I have dug enough and therefore I will go to the stage of the identical questions:-
Did this post bring you new insights?
Did you learn something you didn’t know before?
Have you faced a similar challenge in a different way? in different tools?

P.S. Want to talk to me one on one. Click on link.

Original Facebook post in Hebrew here