Kubernetes - Gitlab runner

1 minute read

I’m still on a journey to acquire kubernetes knowledge. The tech wealth (with light sarcasm) is significant.
I made a little progress last week. In the previous chapter I shared that I encountered a problem sharing secrets in both environments: DEV & CI. So, I just wanted to say that I got good feedback from you and others and in the end I chose to go with kustomize. I came across this technology years ago but only now the insight, why it is good, landed. What’s more, it seems to me that the kubernetes community has officially adopted this technology (which probably wasn’t the case when I first encountered it).

A short summary of what is already working in the project:

What’s more, I encountered a problem that started as soon as I transferred the Gitlab Runner Token from the values file to the secret stored in the cluster. When I download the environment, the registration of the runner is not deleted. I made quite an effort to locate the problem and even tried to fix it. But I still haven’t found a solution. And when I reach a kind of dead end, I turn to the general public, which is the community. There are two options. Either I have a problem with the configuration or it’s a bug. I believe that I will have a proper answer by the next chapter.

I have dug enough and therefore I will go to the stage of the identical questions:-
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P.S. Want to talk to me one on one. Click on link.

Original Facebook post in Hebrew here