Cocktail 1

1 minute read

Yesterday I found out that a new chapter in the Paved Paths series was
released. I still haven’t finished going through it and getting the
information to sync in. From what I have already read, this is another
excellent episode. One that has something to take from it and apply already
As a live example, the project behind devopsloft’s English blog. All the
topics on the short and improving list are already there. And so that I don’t
get confused, God forbid, I also bothered to add badges in the README to avoid
And now, with the information I have acquired in the field, I continue on and
expand the canvas. And this time it is about one of the most exciting projects
in the devops industry - kubernetes.
There is tons and tons of information about Kubernetes on the web. Since the
forest is large and scattered, you can’t see the trees. My way of getting into
things goes through my hands. That means, start from the bottom. This means,
pick up a local environment and grow from there.
Here too, the information is scattered and the road is really not paved
(or it is and I still haven’t found the beginning of the route).
I started with fork and clone and from there I continued to spin the
environment according to the instructions (and there are quite a few of them
scattered over several files).
I still haven’t succeeded. I’ll update later.

I have dug enough and therefore I will go to the stage of the identical questions:-
Did this post bring you new insights?
Did you learn something you didn’t know before?
Have you faced a similar challenge in a different way? in different tools?
A good and magical week.

P.S. Want to talk to me one on one. Click on link.

Original Facebook post in Hebrew here