Ansible Action Plugin

1 minute read

Original Facebook post in Hebrew here

Returning to the ongoing, never ending story. At issue is an Openshift cluster
running on AWS on which Gitlab CI Runner will be installed. And all this
goodness through automation.
For now, I chose Ansible to be the automation wrapper. I don’t know if it’s
the best choice, but it’s good enough for MVP. In the future there is a
situation where I will improve positions.
For the benefit of the future CI I found a project that spins a cluster
on AWS with a small footprint. One that consumes relatively few resources and
also spins relatively quickly. Something like 15 minutes.
At this time I face a tiny challenge. Ansible has a nice feature. Action Plugin.
I thought it appropriate to utilize it for the benefit of all the tasks in
the playbook that configure the cluster.
The idea is to use it for the connection. My tasks would look cleaner.
Minimal repetitive code.
Well… this practice that says - don’t repeat yourself.

This part is still a work in progress. Anyone familiar enough with Ansible to
help me?

I have dug enough and therefore I will go to the stage of the identical questions:-
Did this post bring you new insights?
Did you learn something you didn’t know before?
Have you faced a similar challenge in a different way? in different tools?
A good and magical week.

P.S. Want to talk to me one on one. Click on link.